Author: Grev

  • Sound of Silence

    Sound of Silence

    Lhasa De Sela – Con Toda Palabra and Anywhere On This Road Silence – Greville E Total silence is almost impossible to experience by the human consciousness or our senses. Even in a sound-proofed cube or underground cave we will hear, with a little time to adapt, the sound of our own heartbeat or breath.…

  • On the rocks

    On the rocks

    Rocks of ages A series of photographic ‘rock portraits’ from a stretch of coast along the Maresme in Catalunya. Mesmerising geological textures, light and shadow, and the power of the Mediterranean define the changes and deterioration of these timeless and apparently not immovable elements. All photos: Greville E

  • Sun-up to Sun-down

    Sun-up to Sun-down

    All photos: Greville E Our ‘light of day’ begins with the sun rising and ends with the sun setting. These photos were all captured from the promenade at Sant Pol de Mar, Barcelona We take it for granted that the earth rotates once every 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4.09053 seconds, and is called the…

  • Outside the Box

    Outside the Box

    distortions in reality Greville E has been re-animating graphic images and photography for decades, a distraction from what’s expected, acceptable or preferred. Some experimental work is shown here in an effort to show and interpret the challenges and potential of the human story in modern times and in relation to our disconnection with natural forces…

  • Take another look

    Take another look

    Happy Feet • Greville E Dreamworld A series of altered images that play with realities, perceptio,n, and fixations and try to mix contexts and perceptions of nature, place, and humankind. More experimental work to come, that promises to develop and combine the analog approach to collage with the digital expansion of and possibilities in photomontage…