Out of this world!
A gem of advertising elegantly and deceptively delivered – the brave new world of domestic appliances. – https://archive.org/details/out_of_this_world
Reviewer: August 1, 2011. Subject: I too love an appliance. This is a beautiful piece of corporate propaganda. Our stepford wife’s transformation across different ethnicities symbolizes a cosmopolitan womanhood desirous of such a modern kitchen.
Films like these are so interesting for people who like science fiction, both reflecting and influencing public expectations (or at least speculations) concerning the future.
It would be easy to ream this movie for a naive treatment of the environment and the woman animal in specific. In the media landscape of the early 60’s, it was effective marketing. Advertising is more subtle today, but seldom as elegant.
Reviewer: July 21, 2011. Subject: Eco-Fascists should have broken down the door! Eco-Fascists should have broken down the door to this person’s home and dictated: you will live with a small eco-foot-print! Eat only raw, locally-grown vegetables and fruit! Have two or less children only! Support wild-life, endangered species! The planet might have been saved. Now, it’s too late