GE Imagery

Eikon images for your personal or public space

the influence of image and sound

General Eclectic practises observation and examination of imagery, and offers and presents experimentation through the creative process, there is no mission here, only appreciation, skill sharing and bearing witness.

General Eclectic looks, learns and teaches through photography, graphic arts, photomontage, analog and digital collage, arts workshops, making sound art, and sound capture . GE aims to stimulate effective appreciation of our environment, our sense of place and circumstance, and to present imagery that arouses the senses and improves human perception and well-being.

Content will include illustrated texts, strange beauty, abstract observations and essays and will be revised regularly to reflect on the moving, still and manipulated image in news media, social media, arts, culture, presentation and display.

GE will also consider, find humour, and examine the disruptive influences of advertising and marketing imagery – good and bad – collected, and compiled from visual media and in print ,from the past, the present and the future. Enjoy!

General Eclectic images for your personal or public space

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What is imagery

Images and sounds presented through familiar mediums are probably the most direct way of influencing the human mind and memory.

Imagery whether directly experienced by our senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste, or smell – or imagined or visualised in our mind’s eye – can have a powerful influence on our state of mind and our perception of circumstance, situation, or condition.

Invisible imagery

Sound art is an artistic discipline in which sound is utilised as a primary medium or material. Like many genres of contemporary art, sound art may be interdisciplinary in nature, or be used in hybrid forms.

In Western art, early examples include Luigi Russolo’s Intonarumori or noise intoners (1913), and subsequent experiments by DadaistsSurrealists, the Situationist International, and in Fluxus events and other Happenings. Because of the diversity of sound art, there is often debate about whether sound art falls within the domains of visual art or experimental music, or both.[1] Other artistic lineages from which sound art emerges are conceptual artminimalismsite-specific artsound poetryelectro-acoustic musicspoken wordavant-garde poetry, sound scenography,[2] and experimental theatre.[3]

In the mind’s eye

In wellbeing, Palming, or visualizing color is a way of covering or closing the eyes and imagining and changing the colours you ‘see’ behind the eyelids. Stress is usually a strong red, so ‘visualising’ and changing to a more calming colour can change one’s mood, such as blue or green. Psychologists believe that imagining mood associated colours (colour theory) and calm and colourful natural forms in the mind can directly affect our mental state in a restorative way.

In mindfulness, Guided Imagery involves thinking of, or imagining an outcome or change of condition which can help with recovery from health issues and general wellbeing. Guided imagery is used in meditation and mindfulness to find calm when facing stress or anxiety. Sitting or lying comfortably without distraction while imagining being in a peaceful or calming scene like a meadow or forest for example. Depicted imagery and sound is commonly used by practitioners and individuals in meditation and mindfulness practise.